Preparing ahead for Christmas with your pet

Cats, Dogs, Welfare

Keeping your pet safe through the festivities

As Christmas approaches it is important to think about how you will include your pet in the family celebrations. If you are having a busy Christmas, putting plans in place before guests arrive can ensure both you and your pet enjoy the celebrations.  

Dogs and cats love routines so feeding times are important to stick to and be aware that sudden dietary changes can cause upset tummies. Many Christmas treats are harmful or toxic to pets, especially chocolate, mince pies, stuffing to name but a few. 

Providing your pet with a safe quiet space is also important, so your pet can retreat and rest if things get too overwhelming. Activity toys such as a stuffed Kong will keep your dog occupied whilst guests are entertained. 

 » For more safe space tips, click here to read our blog

Cat underneath a Christmas tree

Sensitive pets can also find some of the noises associated with celebrations frightening, such as Christmas crackers being pulled, party poppers or balloons bursting so just being aware can often ensure your pet is removed from situations it finds scary. 

The highlight of the day for most dogs is a walk in the fresh air and it is also often welcome for everyone after the Christmas dinner. 

Preparing ahead will ensure you all have a happy and memorable day!

Free-roaming cat Mocha who was adopted from Bath Cats and Dogs Home, who now lives happily on a farm

Free-roaming cats

Did you know that we rehome free-roaming cats? 


Sidney the cat with one eye closed


Sidney had an eye-opening treatment

Cats, Rehabilitate

Cat Mole had alopecia caused by an allergy, making him almost bald.


A flea allergy that had gone untreated quickly deteriorated this kitten's health.

Cats, Rehabilitate

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