What could you be recycling to benefit our charity? You may be surprised!
• Blankets and towels. These are really useful in the cattery and kennels. We can’t take duvets or pillows (they are difficult to wash and get messy if ripped!).
• Office items. If you run an office or business printer, you can have a collection box from Recycle4Charity, which donates for every recycled cartridge. And if you are having an office clear out, take a look at A Good Thing who match businesses with equipment to charities who can claim it.
LINK » Recycle4Charity information
LINK » A Good Thing information
• Pre-loved clothes and accessories. Perhaps you’ve grown out of it, or out of love with it, but you think someone else would wear it? Then either drop it down to one of our Charity Shops, or if you’re savvy add onto eBay as a charity listing.
LINK » Find your local BCDH Charity Shop
• Pet items. We welcome new and nearly-new pet items. Things that would be useful include dog harnesses, pet beds and blankets, cat scratching posts, toys and coats.
Apart from the printer cartridges, all other items can be donated to our Charity Shops or to our rehoming centre at Claverton Down. Thank you for recycling with us!
Pictured below: Parsley looking cosy with his donated blankets.