Meet the team

We have a lovely team of approximately 75 staff on site, in the offices and in our Charity Shops around the area. Our teams are Animal Care, Behaviour, Communications, Facilities, People, Finance, Fundraising, Rehoming, Trading and Veterinary.

Our Senior Leadership Team make our strategic vision a reality, working across the organisation with our BCDH colleagues to ensure the best outcomes for cats and dogs in need. 

Rachel Jones
Chief Executive

The CEO position was introduced at BCDH in 2020 when Rachel took up the post after successfully leading BCDH’s Fundraising and Communications team. Rachel is passionate about our people, the animals we care for and expanding our reach to help pet owners in crisis. Rachel currently has 2 BCDH rescue dogs.




Angela Chapman
Head of People & Facillities

Ange and her team keep BCDH running tackling everything people related, site related and much in between. Ange keeps our team safe, our people well cared for and our visitors welcomed! Ange has 2 rescue dogs and tortoises.




Sara Gallagher
Head of Finance

Sara loves numbers and immersing herself in a complicated financial s/sheet! Sara is a chartered certified accountant and is dedicated to ensuring good financial management to guarantee a sustainable future for the charity. Sara loves her dogs and horses and is often found up a mountain or in a lake. 




Julie Stone
Head of Animal Operations

Julie has a wealth of experience working in the animal rescue sector having been responsible for the success of many rescue and rehoming centres. Julie is passionate about animal welfare, supporting her team to achieve their best and developing future talent in animal welfare. Julie has lived with a variety of dogs both very big and small but currently has Dachshund Sybil, who rules the roost.



Nathan Fuller
Head of Fundraising and Trading

Nathan looks after our fundraising and trading teams who support our amazing fundraisers and donors. Nathan is passionate about education and outreach, working to stop cats and dogs needing the home and developing a generation of good pet owners. He has a rescue dog called Bones, who takes up more of the sofa than any human being.





Mark Simpson
Head of Communications & Marketing

Mark and his team keep everyone up to date with the comings and goings at Bath Cats and Dogs Home, encouraging potential adopters to come forward, and spreading the word about the charity's transformational work. Mark has one very talkative cat, called Kiki, and is on the lookout for dog who'd be happy to join the family.


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