Simba BC45415-Cat
Domestic S.H (short hair)
10 years 6 months
I would prefer not to live with other cats
I may be able to live with a friendly dog
I can live with younger children

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Meet Simba, an outgoing boy who loves attention. He will happily approach you for some fuss and enjoys curling up on laps to soak up all the love. Due to his confident and tolerant nature, Simba has the possibility to live with a cat- savvy dog pending sensible and slow introductions in the home. He is a very playful boy and would love to have a toy selection to call his own in his new home. Simba would do best in a home where he can receive plenty of attention and is looking to live in a household where all members do not have suspected cat allergies. Simba previously lived in a residential area, so may be more road conscious than some cats. To stop him wandering back near his old home, Simba cannot be rehomed to some areas in Calne.
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