Paris BD45369-Dog
5 years 8 months
I do not enjoy meeting other dogs
I cannot live with cats
I cannot live with other dogs
I can live with teenagers

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Paris is a lovely girl who thrives on love and attention from her humans, she can be a bit tense when meeting new people, but once she knows you she loves a good fuss. Paris also enjoys a good pampering session and will lean into you when being groomed. Paris prefers quieter walks away from other dogs, allowing her to relax and enjoy herself. It’s important to note that she has also shown some signs of separation anxiety, requiring time alone to be built up very gradually.
More details about Paris
Paris is looking for a special home with someone who has experience with Rottweilers or resource guarding behaviours. She’ll thrive with a dedicated adopter who understands her needs and is ready to shower her with love and attention.
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Mine! Guarding in dogs

Mine! Guarding in dogs

Dogs guard what is precious to them, but it is possible to live with a guarding dog with a little two-way understanding.

Dogs, Dog training, Dog behaviour

Dog adoption timeline

Dog adoption timeline

What to expect in the weeks and months after adopting a dog

Dogs, Adopters, Dog behaviour

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New dog

How to help your new friend settle in and start to build a bond

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