Find the felted dogs during Summer Sundays in Bath
Summer Sundays returns to Bath throughout July and August, with many free events across the city. But this year there’s a new and special event – a Doggie Trail!
Cute felted dogs have been lovingly made and will be sat in the windows of shops and businesses – there are 25 in total, can you spot them all? You have until the end of August to find them, and you could win a Bath Gift Card worth £100.

Pick up an entry form from Bath Library or online (it will be up by the weekend) – where you will also find a trail map.
» Get your online Doggie Trail entry form on the Welcome to Bath website
Auction will raise funds for rescue animals
After the summer there will be an auction where you can bid to win a felted dog to raise funds for our real dogs (and cats!), so note your favourites! We'll bring you more on that nearer the time.
» Click here to read more on Summer Sundays events on the Welcome to Bath website