Ollie BD44981-Dog
7 years 1 months
I am friendly with some dogs
I cannot live with cats
I could live with another dog
I can live with teenagers

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Ollie is a friendly yet shy boy, who is on the lookout for an active home with new owners who are keen on continuing with his training. Ollie is a bit anxious approaching new people and appreciates being allowed to make the first move. He is affectionate on his terms and creates bonds with his chosen friends. He is a social butterfly when it comes to fellow lurchers, enjoying their company. However, meeting other breeds might make him a bit tense initially, so a patient approach will be key. Ollie has the potential to live with another well matched dog, pending successful introductions at our centre.
More details about Ollie
Due to Ollie's minimal recall and high wildlife instinct, we recommend keeping him on the lead during walks.
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Meeting and greeting other dogs

Meeting and greeting other dogs

Most dogs want to meet others and it is important for them to have the opportunity to display their natural social behaviours and improve their doggie greetings.

Dogs, Dog behaviour

Nervous dogs

Nervous dogs

There are lots of different reasons that your dog might be nervous of new people, or in new situations - we say don’t worry about why but focus on spotting the signs and taking action.   

Dogs, Dog behaviour



Toileting and even not-toileting are common frustrations in dog ownership. Here's our advice on encouraging housetraining in dogs.

Dogs, Dog training, Adopters, Dog behaviour

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