Rubble BD45357-Dog
Bulldog (French)
3 years 2 months
I am still learning to greet other dogs nicely
I cannot live with cats
I cannot live with other dogs
I can live with teenagers

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Meet Rubble, our handsome French bulldog looking for his new forever home. Rubble started off quite nervous when he came to us but has blossomed and formed bonds with his carers. We are looking for patient and understanding adopters who acknowledge he may regress in a new environment to begin with before gaining confidence in his new home. Rubble is a great mix of liking attention but also happy to entertain himself if you are busy, so has the potential to be a good working from home buddy.
More details about Rubble
Rubble struggles on knowing how best to interact with other dogs, so is looking for a home where he is the only pet. Rubble struggles being left alone, so needs owners who are around most of the time.
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Games with your dog

Games with your dog

Keeping a dog mentally stimulated will prevent behaviour problems such as barking, being destructive or over-grooming. Let’s beat that boredom!

Dogs, Adopters, Dog behaviour

Dog adoption timeline

Dog adoption timeline

What to expect in the weeks and months after adopting a dog

Dogs, Adopters, Dog behaviour

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