Duke Purrington BC45264-Cat
Domestic S.H (short hair)
4 years 3 months
I may be able to live with another cat
I cannot live with dogs
I prefer to live with adults only

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Duke Purrington
Meet Duke Purrington, a very nervous cat in need of a patient, knowledgeable, and understanding home. This shy boy would likely thrive in a quite environment and would require an experienced cat owner who can provide gentle care and plenty of patience. With time and the right environment, the handsome boy may grow into a confident and loyal pet. Duke Purrington will benefit from an enclosed room to help him settle in until happy in his new surroundings and comfortable to explore more. He has had little to no outdoor access in the previous home, so will need to be adopted to a quiet area away from any fast/sporadic roads as are not road savvy individuals.
More details about Duke Purrington
To stop Duke Purrington wandering back to his old area, he cannot be rehomed to certain areas in or around Swindon.
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Becoming friends with a nervous cat

Becoming friends with a nervous cat

This is a guide to some socialisation and befriending a cat that is hiding and wary.

Cats, Cat behaviour

Secure room set up for cats

Secure room set up for cats

How to set up a secure room for newly-adopted cats, or nervous cats

Cats, Adopters

Nervous cats

Nervous cats

Here's our advice for understanding and bonding with a nervous cat

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